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Technical SEO Audit

Our technical website audits cover all of the essential elements of search engine optimization. Upon completion of our technical audits, we generate detailed reports for our clients that outline current SEO practices, as well as recommendations for improving your website. If you haven’t audited your website recently, call us.

The Keyword Research Process

  • To begin, our team will research, gathering hundreds to thousands of keywords related to your products.
  • We will look at your competition’s language, in addition to how consumers find you online.
  • As we sift through all of the keywords being used, we’ll look at the amount of times the words or phrases are searched, as well as how difficult it is to rank well for each of them.
  • In the end, we’ll present a list of terms we feel will reach your audience best. These terms will be used as we work to optimize your site content writing naturally, as you would to a friend.
  • They will also be our guide as we begin to build authoritative and relevant backlinks, focusing on opportunities that align with the keywords and consumer intent.

All of this effort will help increase your relevance and authority in the eyes of search engines. Using the same language of the consumer breaks down the barrier of translation from industry terms for search engines.

By matching consumer interest we’re able to grow your brand’s ranking on the search engine results page leading to more sales and increased traffic. Our team of SEO and Content Marketing experts will help you ensure you are targeting the keywords that truly drive sales, not just the terms with the highest keyword volume.

Link Building

We create a variety of links on different sites in your industry. This type of diverse link profile is a good indicator to search engines that your site is authoritative and non-manipulative. Such a profile can drive your site to the top of the search engine results leading to increased traffic and sales.

Links function as more than just a way to point users to another page, they have SEO value as well. Search engines use links as a way to evaluate the authority and relevance of pages. Authority is measured by the amount of sites you have pointing towards your site, as well as the quality of these links.

Acquiring links with high authority and relevance scores is ideal as they then help your site.